Welcome to the home page of the West Viginia Shepherds Federation. The West Virginia Shepherds Federation was organized in 1989 by forward-minded lamb and wool producers and WVU Extension agents as a non-profit agricultural marketing association. Our members are from every part of West Virginia and include neighboring states as well and they have flocks that number from a dozen to as many as 800 ewes. They could be FFA members, part-time farmers, producers of fine wool for hand spinners, producers of sound breeding stock or full-time commercial producers of sheep, lambs and goats. Our organization relies upon the volunteer leadership of its board of directors, officers, committe chairs and our members to carry out our objectives, activities and programs. We are a dues funded organization and a portion of those dues is forwarded to the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) which in turn funds grants to mentor our young shepherds and support educational programs and wool marketing programs. We work closely with the ASI to promote our industries, educate our members and advocate on issues of concern to the members of the WVSF and forcefully represent your interests. One such issue is the continued funding for the Wildlife Service's predator management program. ![]() ![]() WVSF dues are $25 per calendar year. Your dues allow you to speak on issues at our meetings and to serve as a member of our board of directors or to serve as an officer. ASI agreed to our request to do away with the old distinction between the unified ASI/WVSF membership. If you are a WVSF member you can serve on ASI committees and are eligible to serve in an ASI office position. Every member of WVSF will receive ASI's highly informative monthly publication, The Sheep Industry News, and if you provide your email address you will also receive the ASI Weekly News for Sheep Industry Leaders every Friday.
Joe Aucremanne P.O.Box 669 Hinton, W. Va. 25951 304-445-1516 wvashepherds@yahoo.com
The WVSF has taken over management of the WV Wool Pool Program. For information, contact;
President- Joseph Aucremanne Vice-President- Garrick Haslacker Secretary- Michelle Wilfong Treasurer- Ronald Fletcher The West Virginia Shepherds Federation has created an e-mail list as a forum for discussing sheep and goat concerns in WV. This group is open to anyone interested in sheep and goats in WV. You can purchase T-shirts, tote bags, hats, mugs and stickers with WVSF logo at; The WVSF Café Press Store ![]() To report any problems or make suggestions, please contact redeft@mountain.net |